The Chronicles of Courage and Survival: Human Rights is not a Political Party

Cameroon faces significant repression of civic space, putting human rights defenders and reporters at increasing risk. The government employs both legal (repressive laws) and extralegal (intimidation, threats, arrests, torture, etc.) measures to silence dissent and question the legitimacy of human rights defenders and civil society. Many view these defenders as political opponents rather than contributors to national development priorities.

“The Chronicles of Courage and Survival” is a project that merges activism and artivism to reposition human rights work and challenge the conservative power structures legitimizing the oppression of human rights defenders in Cameroon. By leveraging animated storytelling, the project aims to reshape the civil society narrative and invoke thoughtful emotions to inspire change among those who misuse power to suppress and advocate for meaningful change. Through this initiative, we hope to foster dialogue between civil society and decision-makers at various levels, reclaiming civic space and enhancing civic freedoms in Cameroon.