CONVICT COMIC - Rereporting News

"Rereporting News" is a collaborative project between two artists from different democracies,  Uganda and Ghana. This endeavor is built upon mentorship, with an established artist (Bright Akwari from Ghana) and activist guiding an emerging artist (Jim Joel from Uganda) in  experimenting with comics as a medium to address social issues highlighted in newspapers and  human rights reports from 2018 and 2019, as published by the US Embassy in Uganda. The  project focuses particularly on the notion of freedom of expression and convicts’ rights within  the context of human rights. The collaboration will take place in Ghana under a residency  program offered by Underground 888 in partnership with blaxTARLINES KUMASI Contemporary  Art Incubator at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 

This body of work will take the form of a comic strip based on Ward 4 in Kasangati prison in  Kampala, Uganda, where Jim Joel visited as part of his research.