We Remember

We remember is a project that acknowledges a history of mass enforced disappearances is Sri Lanka. What inspires us to seek new futures is the sustained activism of families of the disappeared. At the heart of the project is a set of questions about memory and collective belonging. Through art and activism, we invite citizens to embrace new ‘ways of seeing’ that explore the limits and possibilities of memory.

We will work collaboratively with Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) & survivors to create a series of images to share in the run up to International Day of the Disappeared in August 2025.

The project builds on existing work on accountability. Families are still seeking the truth about their missing loved ones and want justice. Our project invites citizens to re-imagine memory as a contested space thereby opening possibility to a better future. Through a series of art and activism interventions we hope art and play helps express hopes of a better future.

We aim to host an exhibition in late 2025 that celebrates the art and activism of families of the disappeared. An interactive element of the exhibition will invite citizens to share their hopes for the future. Can art and activism act in ways to repair and offer alternative spaces for being?

We remember forms part of an ongoing series of interventions that brings into focus the importance of different citizens to be seen and different truths to be heard.