Naturaleza en armonía: ecos corporales y sonoros que resuenan // Nature in harmony: body and sound echoes and sounds that resonate
Violence has left an indelible mark on territories in the Colombian Caribbean. The land, mountains, fauna, flora and rivers – who have been the eternal spectators – have also been victims of mistreatment and pollution as a result of hatred and violence. To heal the wounds of its inhabitants, this project worked with the local communities in the exploration of the relationship between the Body and Nature as the main axis that links the conflict and mutual effects.
The project was conducted in Mahates and San José del Playón, where workshops, creative laboratories, and a performative experience took place. During this experience, participants explored the voices of nature and their impact on transforming the human body, intending to reconnect communities with their environment and history, particularly after the effects of armed conflict.
These spaces were designed to address the environmental impacts on the territory by offering comprehensive training that connected dance, ecology, and memory within the context of peacebuilding. The aim was not only to promote the exchange of knowledge and artistic practices but also to strengthen community bonds and resilience among populations affected by armed conflict. We aimed to foster healing through art and to recognize nature as a source of memory and resistance.
The laboratories were held in Mahates, on a slope overlooking the Canal del Dique, and in San José del Playón, at the dam known as Arroyo Grande, where artistic exchanges were encouraged. University students presented their work, "The Return of the Birds: Imaginaries of the Future," in the town's central square. Additionally, the Juventud en Desarrollo collective from San José del Playón showcased a representative sample of Bullerengue music and dance.
Inhabitants of San José del Playón were accompanied in the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the massacre that occurred in this town, participating in a ritual of songs and lighting of candles. These activities promoted reconciliation and peace through dance, music and singing, which were understood as powerful tools of social transformation and recovery of memory.
This project was led by Ana Milena Navarro.